New TS Cool Shampoo is a shampoo that helps to reduce scalp temperature and reduce oiliness to provide a cooling feeling.

NO additives, free from:
- Silicone
- Artificial colouring
- Synthetic perfume
- Mineral oil
- Sulfate and more
How to use TS Shampoo
1. Completely wet your hair and scalp with warm water
Ensure that you thoroughly wet your hair and scalp with warm water when shampooing. Before shampooing, it is best to make your hair neat or comb in the direction of the top of the head. First, add an adequate amount of a dollar coin-size onto your palm, rub, then apply on your hair.
2. Shampoo by thoroughly lathering and massaging
Add the proper amount (a dollar coin-size) of shampoo to your palm, rub, then apply to fully wet hair with lukewarm water and lather by rubbing several times.
3. Using the shampoo, give your scalp a deep massage with your fingertips
Slowly massage into your scalp with your fingertips for 3-5 minutes but refrain from irritating it from excessive lathering.
4. Rinse the foam off well
Rinse completely with lukewarm water after massaging from 3-5 minutes. Some people do not rinse completely as they believe that the active ingredients have been washed off. However, please be advised that active ingredients have already been absorbed by this step.
5. Lastly, dab lightly with cold water
Rinse with cold water to close the pores after rinsing with lukewarm water. Through this, hair roots become healthier and the hair will be more nourished.
6. Air-dry your hair
Dry slowly by dabbing the hair with a towel when drying. Avoid pulling, brushing off and rubbing hard. Use cool wind when using a blow dryer.
Where to buy in Australia
You can order online at or purchase from DNK Hair Salon(Official Distribution Partner of TS Shampoo) in Eastwood.
Experience the best selling hair loss & protection shampoo in Korea right now!
Always read the label, use only as directed. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid getting product in eyes.
탈모 완화 성분이 더해진 뉴TS 쿨 샴푸!
용량: 500g
유색의 불투명 액상
하루종일 시원하게~
성분은 순하게, 기분은 산뜻하게!
뉴TS쿨샴푸는 두피 온도 감소 및 유분 감소에 도움을 주어 시원한 쿨링감을 선사하며 식물유래성분들과 탈모기능성 원료를 함유하여 두피와 모발관리에 도움을 주는 샴푸입니다.
이런분들께 추천합니다
- 하루 종일 상쾌하고 보송보송한 두피를 유지하고 싶은신 분
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