Premium TS Treatment 200ml or 500ml

  • Sale
  • $39.90
  • Regular price $47.90

Premium TS Treatment has been formulated with over 20 ingredients including caster oil, argan oil, shea butter, camellia oil which helps to nourish and revitalise dry, damaged hair, which creates shiny hair. Bring back the bling to your hair with Premium TS Treatment.

Benefits of TS Treatment

  • It's been designed for all hair types and easy to use on daily basis to increase in hair volume and thickness
  • Made of over 20 natural ingredients to protect your hair and prevent hair split
  • Only takes 1 minute daily to keep your hair shiny and healthy looking.


How to use Premium TS Treatment

  1. After shampoo, give your hair massage with adequate amount of the treatment. Apply the treatment evenly with massaging damaged hair
  2. Rinse off well with lukewarm water after 1~3 minute massage. Rinse completely from the scalp
  3. Air-dry your hair. Dry slowly by dabbing the hair with a towel when dying. Avoid pulling, brushing off and rubbing hair. Use cool wind when using a blow dryer.

Where to buy TS Treatment

You can order online at or purchase from DNK Hair Salon(Official Distribution Partner of TS Shampoo) in Eastwood.

Experience the best selling hair loss & protection shampoo in Korea right now!

    Always read the label, use only as directed. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid getting product in eyes.

    ts hair treatment australia

    프리미엄 TS 트리트먼트

    용량: 200ml 500ml
    모든 두피타입 사용가능

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